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The rape of a Roma girl in Dimmi che destino avrò by Peter Marcias


- New film by the man behind I bambini della sua vita, supported by newly formed Sardinia Film Commission, stars Albanian actress Luli Bitri and Salvatore Cantalupo

Focusing on a clash of two cultures, between Roma people and outsiders, Peter Marcias’s new film Dimmi che destino avrò is currently in the editing phase. Produced by Gianluca Arcopinto and the Anna Ruggiu foundation, with support from the newly born Sardinia Film Commission (read news story), filming took place between Cagliari and Paris. Its main characters are played by noted actors Albanian Luli Bitri (Amnesty [+see also:
film review
interview: Bujar Alimani
film profile
) and Salvatore Cantalupo (Gomorra [+see also:
film review
interview: Domenico Procacci
interview: Jean Labadie
interview: Matteo Garrone
film profile
, Corpo Celeste [+see also:
film review
interview: Alice Rohrwacher
film profile
). The cast is completed by Andrea Dianetti, Pietrina Menneas, Davide Careddu and Nino Nonnis, together with a number of Roma interpreters.

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The screenplay, written by Gianni Loy, talks about the difficult integration of Roma people in Italy and across Europe. Giampaolo Esposito (Cantalupo) is a police officer in his fifties, whose only interests are his job and the Cagliari football team. His daily routine is shredded to pieces when he is handed over a case involving the probable rape of a Roma girl in a reception camp on the outskirts of town. The case throws him into a culture he previously knew little about and he eventually accepts to coach a boy’s football team on the premises. This leads to a friendship with Alina (Bitri), a young woman from the camp, who lives and works in Paris and is fighting for her people’s rights. The relationship between the two will be the meeting point for a number of vicissitudes, which will shed light on the contradictions in laws and general racism towards the Roma.

Dimmi che destino avrò, features the contribution of Alberto López Palacios in terms of photography, Stefania Grilli for the costumes and Danilo Torre for the editing, will be coming out by the end of this year. The film received patronage from UNICEF and interest from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

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(Translated from Italian)

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