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by Claudia Gerini


A tormented Emma, while doing online counseling, runs on her treadmill, deluding herself to escape from her past. This equilibrium will break when, after twenty-five years, his younger sister bursts in with an unsustainable request.

original title: Tapirulàn
country: Italy
year: 2022
genre: fiction
directed by: Claudia Gerini
film run: 105'
release date: IT 5/05/2022
screenplay: Antonio Baiocco, Fabio Morici
cast: Claudia Gerini, Claudia Vismara, Stefano Pesce, Maurizio Lombardi, Corrado Fortuna, Alessandro Bisegna, Daniela Virgilio, Lia Grieco, Fabio Morici, Marcello Mazzarella
cinematography by: Beppe Gallo
film editing: Luna Gualano
art director: Tonino Zera
costumes designer: Nicoletta Ercole
music: Geoff Westley
producer: Stefano Bethlen
production: Milano Talent Factory, RAI Cinema, Sky Cinema

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