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RELEASES Netherlands

The “Van Venlo” Gang


A new Dutch production entitled Van God Los [+see also:
film profile
(Godforsaken). is scheduled for release in Venlo, Holland, on 24 April. Directed by Pieter Kuijpers and with a screenplay he also wrote with Paul Jan Nelissne, this is the story of the 18-man “Van Venlo” gang who committed over 250 crimes. They were tried and sentenced to prison terms of between ten years and life in 1997. Kuijpers focuses mainly on two gang members who became fast friends despite coming from very different backgrounds, since they shared the same love of violence.

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The film was made in February and March 2002 and stars Egbert Jan Weber, Angela Schijf and Tygo Gernandt, Van God Los was produced by Rinkel Film Productions and IdtV Film and distributed onto 50 screens by RCV Film Distribution.

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