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INDUSTRY Czech Republic

Barrandov mission for James Bond?


The new James Bond might have one more strange mission to add to his numerous on-screen assignments: learning to speak Czech. The as yet unconfirmed news that the latest in the Bond series, Martin Campbell’s Casino Royale, might be filmed in Prague’s Barrandov Studios has been met with smiles by the Barrandov Studios and their newly appointed director Veslava Piegzova who would like add to the 22, predominantly foreign, films that the Studios serviced in 2004.

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But first they have deal with the backlash from the UK film Industry which is opposed to a second British mega-production following Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix in choosing Prague against a UK studio. Producer and director Stephen Wooley did not mince his words about the move in speaking to the The Times. He and others insist that, although it might be much cheaper filming in Prague, the James Bond brand should never leave the UK’s Pinewood Studios where 18 of its 20 previous films were made, as this could prove a serious blow to the country’s industry.

Renowned director Roman Polanski has called Barrandov Studios The "jewel in the (Czech) crown", after completing his Oliver Twist feature there last year. He believes that the quality of the Studios professionals remains high and is convinced that Prague is far from losing out to new, trendy destinations like Romania. However not everyone admires Barrandov Studios. Czech filmmakers nowadays use the Studios solely for costume and sound services, as they found their prices less attractive than their international counterparts. "Barrandov should continue to care about the domestic market, too," commented producer Pavel Strnad, “Once the foreign customers stop coming there will be nothing for them to rely upon (except for Czech films)". But Veslava Piegzova does not seem concerned. For Barrandov, she said recently, the priority remains quality service to foreign productions. If news about the Harry Potter and James Bond productions are confirmed she – and the studios – will feel vindicated.

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