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Se acerca el último taller para los proyectos finales del Biennale College - Cinema


- En inglés: El tercer taller de la 6a edición de la iniciativa tendrá lugar en Venecia del 11 al 15 de enero, con proyectos de Italia, Turquía y Hungría

Se acerca el último taller para los proyectos finales del Biennale College - Cinema
Deva by Petra Szocs

Este artículo está disponible en inglés.

The final workshop of the 6th edition of Biennale College - Cinema will be held in Venice from 11 to 15 January 2018. The three projects chosen during the first workshop from the initial 12 selected from all over the world (coming from Canada, China, Colombia, Italy, Poland, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, Hungary, United States), have reached the final stage of the Venice Biennale initiative, which involves the creation of three micro-budget features, with a contribution of €150,000 for each project, which will then be presented at the 75th Venice Film Festival 2018.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

The selected teams will work on the development of their films in close contact with industry professionals. For the 2017/2018 edition, two debut features and one second feature were chosen, coming from Italy, Turkey and Hungary.

Zen in the Ice Rift [+lee también:
ficha de la película
by the Italian director Margherita Ferri (debut feature) is set in a small mountain village, where everything stands still. 15-year-old Vanessa is tired of being considered the prettiest girl in town and finds a way to escape, or rather, her first love, Maia, a tomboy who fights on the hockey field in the same way that she fights her loneliness. The director will be in Venice with the producer Chiara Galloni.

Yuva [+lee también:
ficha de la película
, the second feature by the Turkish Emre Yeksan (The Gulf [+lee también:
entrevista: Emre Yeksan
ficha de la película
, selected at Venice SIC 2017), tells the story of Veysel, a man who lives in the woods like an animal, whose solitary life is destroyed when the land he inhabits is sold. His obstinacy turns into a confrontation with his younger brother, Hasan, who arrives from the city to convince him to leave. The director will be joined by the producer Anna Maria Aslanoglu.

"Now we come to take you gently, throwing you into the fire" is the cryptic description for the debut feature, Deva [+lee también:
entrevista: Petra Szőcs
ficha de la película
, by Hungarian Petra Szocs, who will be accompanied by the producer Péter Fülöp and the co-writer Gergő Nagy.

Directed by Alberto Barbera (Head of Program Savina Neirotti) and supported by MIBACT, Biennale College - Cinema (with its virtual reality branch) has obtained an important loan from the European Commission – Directorate General’s MEDIA Program - Creative Europe for its 2017/2018 projects. Biennale College - Cinema is also receiving the support from Eurimages for the travel, living and training costs of a female director (Eurimages Residency Grant), which this year is Petra Szocs (Hungary), director of the project Deva.

(El artículo continúa más abajo - Inf. publicitaria)

(Traducción del italiano)

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