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Klara Issa • Actress

Shooting Star 2007 - Czech Republic


Klara Issa belongs to the Czech Republic’s new generation of international, multi-talented actors, able and willing to work across borders and cultures. Her latest role is that of Ilja in David Ondricek’s Grandhotel [+see also:
film profile
, a film selected for Berlinale’s Panorama section.

Cineuropa: From Indian Summer (Indianské léto) to Grandhotel – at 27, you already have an 11-year acting career behind you. One could say you should feel like an experienced veteran rather than a developing talent.
Klara Issa: In school I had a great professor; she kept repeating to me - and I took it to heart - that it is important to keep my feet on the ground when success comes, not to get carried away by it. Then it is really irrelevant when and how recognition arrives in your career.

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What do you really expect from “Shooting Stars”?
Berlin should be a grand experience and an opportunity to meet filmmakers from all over the world, to breathe in the atmosphere of a world-class festival. And, of course, it will give us the opportunity to get together with international casting directors…

You have already appeared in international productions. Would you apply any of those experiences to Czech filmmaking or vice-versa?
When I was cast in the series Rose and Maloney in Britain in 2005 I realized that, in fact, there aren’t any real differences in the way crews and productions work. The only difference that you indeed feel is that you are in a foreign country, speaking a foreign language. By the way, I had a great director and crew there who helped me immensely.

What is next for you? Film, theatre, television? Or is a combination of all three your ideal?
The Czech tradition is that you devote time and energy to all of these. During the day you take part in a film shoot and then, at night, you still have to perform in the theatre. It’s not ideal because if you play a different role everyday it is difficult to concentrate 100 percent on everything. In the future, though, I’d prefer to go with the “less is more” axiom and choose only projects that will speak to me. So, the ideal combination should be: good director, script and role.

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