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DISTRIBUZIONE Germania / Mondo

German Films sostiene 16 uscite di film tedeschi all'estero


- In inglese: Il comitato di sostegno alla distribuzione di German Films finanzia con 121mila euro 16 uscite tedesche in altri paesi

German Films sostiene 16 uscite di film tedeschi all'estero
The People vs. Fritz Bauer by Lars Kraume

Questo articolo è disponibile in inglese.

The second session of the German Films Distribution Support committee led to the allocation of €121,000 to support 16 foreign theatrical releases of local productions. The Distribution Support funding programme was created in 2005 to subsidize additional measures to complement the release campaign already planned by foreign distributors for the German films on their line-up. Up to €50,000 can be allocated in the form of a conditionally repayable loan. Extra funding of up to €10,000 can be allocated as a grant.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The committee decided to support the following films:

13 Minutes [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in Croatia (dist.: Blitz Film & Video Distribution; world sales: Beta Cinema; theatrical release: 04.07.2016)
A Godsend in Greece (dist.: Kouzi Productions; world sales: if… Productions; theatrical release: 04.09.2016)
Colonia [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in the Czech Republic (dist.: CinemArt; world sales: Beta Cinema; theatrical release: 04.14.2016)
Suck Me Shakespeer 2 [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in Croatia (dist.: 2i Film; world sales; Picture Tree International; theatrical release: 06.23.2016)
Suck Me Shakespeer 2 in Slovenia (dist.: 2i Film; world sales: Picture Tree International; theatrical release: 04.07.2016)
Fukushima, mon amour [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in Switzerland (dist.: Filmcoopi; world sales: The Match Factory; theatrical release: 03.24.2016)
Ghosthunters – On Icy Trail [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in Croatia (dist.: Blitz Film & Video Distribution; world sales: Beta Cinema; theatrical release: 04.07.2016)
Hedi Schneider is Stuck [+leggi anche:
intervista: Sonja Heiss
scheda film
in Norway (dist.: Mer Filmdistribusjon; world sales: The Match Factory; theatrical release: 04.29.2016)
Highway to Hellas [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in Spain (dist.: Savor Ediciones; world sales: ARRI; theatrical release: 04.15.2016)
Labyrinth of Lies [+leggi anche:
making of
intervista: Giulio Ricciarelli
scheda film
in Slovenia (dist.: Blitz Film & Video Distribution; world sales: Beta Cinema; theatrical release: 03.24.2016)
Look Who's Back [+leggi anche:
scheda film
in Slovakia (dist.: CinemArt SK; world sales: Constantin Filmverleih; theatrical release: 03.31.2016)
Look Who's Back in Taiwan (dist.: Catchplay; world sales: Constantin Filmverleih; theatrical release: 04.08.2016)
Look Who's Back in the Czech Republic (dist.: CinemArt; world sales: Constantin Filmverleih; theatrical release: 04.10.2016)
The People vs. Fritz Bauer [+leggi anche:
intervista: Lars Kraume
scheda film
in France (dist.: ARP; world sales: Beta Cinema; theatrical release: 04.13.2016)
The People vs. Fritz Bauer in Israel (dist.: Lev Cinemas; world sales: Beta Cinema; theatrical release: 04.14.2016)
Victoria [+leggi anche:
intervista: Sebastian Schipper
scheda film
in the UK (dist.: Curzon Film World; world sales: The Match Factory; theatrical release: 04.01.2016)

Applications for the next raft of distribution support subsidies can be submitted up until 4 April 2016. Click here to read the guidelines, and here to download the application form.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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