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IndieLisboa svela il programma della sua 16ma edizione


- Sulla scia della sua seconda miglior edizione nel 2018, IndieLisboa ha in programma un focus ancora più ricco sul cinema nazionale, con 51 produzioni portoghesi tra i 270 film selezionati

IndieLisboa svela il programma della sua 16ma edizione
Alva di Ico Costa

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IndieLisboa is gearing up for its 16th edition, which will take place between 2 and 12 May. With a €1,136,648 budget for this year’s edition, the festival has selected 270 films – out of some 4,500 submissions – that will form a vast and diverse programme, which includes one of the biggest showcases of national film output: 51 Portuguese films, broken down into 15 features and 36 shorts.

The national competition will present 23 movies – six features and 17 shorts. Ico Costa’s Alva [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ico Costa
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(Portugal/France/Argentina), Campo [+leggi anche:
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by Tiago Hespanha – which had its premiere in Cinéma du Réel’s International Competition –, Mar by Margarida Gil, Bring Me the Head of Carmen M. (Brazil/Portugal) by Felipe Bragança and Catarina Wallenstein, and Sadness and Joy in the Life of Giraffes [+leggi anche:
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by Tiago Guedes were the films selected for the features competition. The short-film selection includes Jorge Jácome’s Past Perfect (which had its premiere in the 69th Berlinale’s International Short Competition), Fordlândia Malaise by Susana Sousa Dias, Grbavica (Portugal/Spain/Bosnia and Herzegovina) by Manel Raga and Filomena by Pedro Cabeleira, amongst many others.

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Several Portuguese flicks are included in some of the non-competitive sections as well. Novíssimos, a section dedicated to new (national) visions and new (Portuguese) filmmakers, will showcase The House and the Dogs by Madalena Fragoso and Margarida Meneses, the only feature film included in this section; Equinox by Bruno Carnide; and Night Tale by Inês Nunes. In the special screenings section, Ivo M Ferreira’s new feature, South, will be presented, while his Empire Hotel [+leggi anche:
intervista: Ivo M. Ferreira
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(Portugal/Macau) will be at the festival as well, nestled within the Macau Focus section.

The Independent Hero section will be dedicated to two distant points – both geographically and aesthetically speaking. Firstly, Anna Karina, one of the most recognisable figures from the French New Wave, will have a retrospective dedicated to her at the Cinemateca. The second Independent Hero will tie in with this year’s tendency to focus on Portuguese content – but, more specifically in this case, Portuguese-language content, as there will be a section dedicated to contemporary Brazilian cinema. It will cast a critical eye over one of the biggest and most audacious contemporary film industries in the world, which has reacted, and still is, to political turbulence and social issues through art – and, in particular, cinema. Divine Love [+leggi anche:
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(Brazil/Norway/Switzerland/Uruguay/France/Chile) by Gabriel Mascaro, Impeachment by Petra Costa, and The Blue Flower of Novalis by Gustavo Vinagre and Rodrigo Carneiro – presented in the Berlinale Forum – are just some of the films selected for this section. The Blue Flower of Novalis is also part of the festival’s Silvestre section, which includes Yolande Zauberman’s M [+leggi anche:
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, Radu Jude’s latest project, “I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians” [+leggi anche:
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(Romania/Czech Republic/France/Bulgaria/Germany) as well as a Focus on Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel.

Poggi and Vinel’s first feature film, Jessica Forever [+leggi anche:
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, is also part of the International Competition’s Feature Film selection, which will also include Present.Perfect. by Shengze Zhu (USA/Hong Kong), and On the Names of the Goats [+leggi anche:
intervista: Miguel G. Morales e Silvia…
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by Silvia Navarro and Miguel G Morales. The Shorts Competition will present a huge variety of films – and, in particular, several animated titles – which include Take Me Please by Olivér Hegyi, Fest by Nikita Diakur and the Polish film Acid Rain by Tomek Popakul, which will also form part of the festival’s Focus on Polish animated movies.

IndieLisboa will start on 2 May, and the opening ceremony will feature a screening of Harmony Korine’s latest film, The Beach Bum [+leggi anche:
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. The closing ceremony demonstrates the festival’s close connection to the Berlinale and will show this year’s Golden Bear winner, Synonyms [+leggi anche:
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 by Nadav Lapid.

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