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MIDPOINT e Film Centre Montenegro annunciano Intensive Montenegro


- Focalizzato sui talenti locali, il workshop intensivo si svolgerà a ottobre nella capitale montenegrina di Podgorica

MIDPOINT e Film Centre Montenegro annunciano Intensive Montenegro

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MIDPOINT is continuing its focus on the Balkans and is expanding further in the Central Eastern European region with its latest professional training programme, Intensive Montenegro. In partnership with the Film Centre Montenegro, the workshop will invite Montenegrin creative teams of filmmakers (consisting of a scriptwriter, director and producer) to take part with their feature-length fiction film projects.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

The workshop, which is focused on both script and project development, will unspool in October 2019 in the Montenegrin capital of Podgorica. Guided by two internationally renowned tutors, the teams will work on the creative development of the script as well as on the production-related aspects of their projects. After the workshop, tailor-made online consultations with their group leader will follow, according to the needs of each project.

Sehad Cekic, director of the Film Centre Montenegro, commented on this new partnership: “I hope that MIDPOINT Intensive Montenegro will bring new quality to our film sector, improve projects that are being prepared, incorporate them into European frameworks, and help with our goal of raising standards. From the perspective of the rapidly changing film community, we see MIDPOINT as a true partner in our efforts to become the protagonists and partners on the international scene.”

Applications for potential participants are now open, and the deadline is 26 July 2019. All of the relevant information can be found on the official Intensive Montenegro website.

(L'articolo continua qui sotto - Inf. pubblicitaria)

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